Tue 21 Jan
Highly reviewed, beautiful blonde, college cutie for companionship - 23
(Detroit, Detroit Metro & Surrounding)
💦💦⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Hey fellas this Shani WORKING ALL NIGHT💦💦313 241 4973 - 22
(8 mile & Greenfield, Detroit, Downtown)
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Find out what they do & don't do
(In your city)
Hey fellas its cold outside but its warm in here.. check out my super hot deals 50ss 80half 120hr - 30
(Detroit, warren madison heights)
💎💄Guess Who's Back?? Yes It's Me Chocolate 🍫🍫🍫 With My $30-25 Minutes Special 💎💄 - 22
(Detroit, Telegraph (Incalls Only))
GueSs who'S BACK MISty RaiNz New Number 248 9two9 28ate7 x3 threat - 27
(Detroit, 14 & 75 madison heights troy)
Hershey's Chocolate , ! In or Out Call, I Simply Melt For You!!! 313-510-6644 - 29
(Detroit, /Detroit Mi. IN/Outcalls)
HaLLoWeeN Spec 80=short sty 125/hh =)~ Sweet + P_e_t_¡_t_e √ {Incall ONLY} - 21
(Detroit, 75 & Northline rd. Well Worth It. . .)
Ginger and Ashley are ready to melt your stress away💋💋💋 75 N AND BEYOND - 23
√°• GM Gentlemen •°√ Let Me Be Your Breakfast √•° Ms. Ebony 248-499-2134 - 22
Get ready for Sexual enhancement in 10 min
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
💞💦Get Wild With Sexy Exotic Becky💦 💞Outcall Specials that leave you begging for more!💞🚘🚘 - 20
(Detroit, Downtown, Outcalls🚘🚘)
Great Reviews 4**** rating! Fetish & Fantasy friendly, Super Sexii & Ready 4 U! Specials! - 21
(Detroit, Romulous/Metro AirPort/Incalls/Outcalls)
☆ GOoD "|" ENoUGH "|" To "|" KiSs! ☆ 36DD*29*36 NEW Busty Blue Eyed Brunette NEW - 26
(incall off 6 mile & 275 available now)
(GORGeOUs )—————— •UPSCALE • ————— ♥ 24 HoUr SPECiALS! ♥ ————— • ( AVAiLABLE OUTCALL ) • ————— ♥)) - 24
(Detroit, 94 & Merriman / Metro Airport / Romulus)
Gorgeous, Gifted, and Giving......Can you ask for more???? Southfield Upper class. - 22
(Southfield in/out)
❤❤❤Fun & friendly.💙💙💙 Sweet young brunette 👄👄 ready to pamper👄💜fetishes💟💟outcall specials - 25
(Detroit, Sterling heights, Warren / Sterling Heights)
Friday Night is allright for kinky fun, Come get some!!! Come taste the sweetness that is HONEY :) - 22
(Detroit, Taylor)
FRENCH Girls do it BEST - VIP service & Look - Open, Extreme & FLAWESS *interactive DUOS* - 20
(Detroit, WINDSOR, Ontario)
[★] FIVE StaR TreatMenT [★] PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn [★] BuStY BrUnEtTe - 22
Fat Booty 💦 Jui©¥ Kitt¥ 💦& Pretty Face to Match! $60 & Up Outcalls - 27
(Detroit, Downtown, Outcalls $60SS)
♡FREAKY FRIDAY SPECIALS♥the Jamaican Goddess LONDON DUPREE™... .ebony ♡ - 22
(Detroit, warren, 14 mile,15mile,sterling heights,)
*Fre@ky Ebony Beauty*! ((AVAILABLE NOW))45$ Specials! Fat Azz Curvy Body* - 21
(Detroit, TELEGRAPH/ incalls)
$%#$ Ex+r@ Fr3àky $exy M!XéD Mámí $$ $INCALL & OutCall SP3CIaLs#%$$ - 21
💎ƒOЯƎᎥ❡И ASiAN ƒᗩИTᗩᔕУ💋 PLeASuRe (BeYONd) MEaSurE! ✨fANTaSiEs✨DO CoMe TRuE✅SeXy✅DDs✅BoOty FrienDLy! - 24
(Detroit, Southfield / West)
Fat Azz* Curvy Body* Beautiful Face*! #1 5STAR 40$.60$ OR 100$ 9ominz V.I.P special - 21
(Detroit, Telegraph &chicago; incall)
Exquisite💦TREAT 4 YOU on Game Day ✨😘 100spec. Come lust over the BEST 🍆TOP & 💦😻 around - 25
(Detroit, Taylor Romulus Inkster Westland Bellevue)
💋💋❤💋💋 FIRST DAY ❤💋❤ Young Asian Model 36D Angel Face ❤💋❤ High Skills ❤💋❤ Nude Nuru 💋💋❤💋💋 - 22
(Detroit, Troy Madison Heights Incalls Only)
exotic$ sexy young thick mami ready to pleaae u early,morning specials call me now 6166068188 - 23
(Detroit, 696 dequinder Warren MicHigan)
FIREWORKS Snap Crackle Pop .... Specials... Incrediable Brunette... Ask about Specials. - 22
(Detroit, sterling heights 696 vandyke)
❀EXOTIC FUN $!ZE KiTTEN❀ █ ▓ ❤.PLAY •▓ ▒ * ❤.•*POUNCE ▓ * ❤.MAKE Me PuRR •*█ ▓ - 23
(Detroit, livonia * redford @ inkster I-96 * 2day)
ee:¥^¥^¥¥^CLICK NOW¥^¥^¥^¥ A MUST SEE¥^¥^¥^¥^ SPECIALS NOW¥^¥^¥^ - 22
(Detroit, (94 east/ little mack))
ExOtIc KinktrEsS !! A Real Firecracker ❤ I PROMISE you will ❤ leave With No Regrets °Lets PLAy - 23
(Detroit, Southfield(696N.Western)90/160(Visiting))
❤▒█ Ebony ❤▒█ δωεε† ₰ Cυr√γ ❤▒█ δε∂υ©†¡√ε ❤▒█ ηαυς╠╣†γ ❤▒█ - 24
(Detroit, Eastside :15 mile in Clinton Twp.)
DoCtOr !-* NiKkI !-* On !-* DuTy !-* TaKiNg !-* AlL !-* PaTiEnTs 24/7 - 22
Double your pleasure double your fun with remy n tina call now for the best 517_215_8394 - 29
(Detroit, Livonia)
(` DoNt* MiSs*OuT* 1o0% SaTiSfAcTion* ErOtiC* PlAyMatE*B L O N DE*T O N I G H T*O N L Y`) - 26
(Detroit, OUTCALL)
**Dominican &Black; $$80 sunday am specials boobs & booty available now** also DUO speciall - 22
(Detroit, southfield)
*Downriver *My Birthday Specials come have A Wild Time* Discreet location* in~calls ONLY - 40
(Detroit, "Downriver Lincoln Park")
Delicious PETITE 36DD BARBIE! Busty 24,24 good time! $100! Eastside Incall avail now $100 - 20
Dionne Jolie, a Reputable Upscale girl in Windsor seeking Gentleman only :) - 23
(Detroit, Downtown, Windsor, ON)
♥♥♥♥♥ Customers Appreciation: $50ss (313.989.7513)♥♥♥♥♥ - 33
(Detroit, Downtown, Romulus, Belleville, Canton)
****** Cute thick caramel openminded cutie specials call now !!!!!! Mua !!!!! - 24
✄ ✄ CuT OuT THE FaKeS! °° sNoWbUnNy WiT a LaTiN fLaRe ☆ 1000% REAL !!!! - 21
(Detroit, Romulus Incall READY NOW!)
🍭👄Come Here DADDY LET ME LI👅K IT ALL UP FOR YOU 40$weekend specials - 25
(Detroit, 9mile & Telegraph💋incall & outs call)
👠👠 💖💖💓💓💜CoMe EnJoy A UpsCale SteaMy HoT Non RuShEd SesSion WiTH KAyLa 💓💓💞💞 💙💛💋💋💋 - 26
Come spend the New Year with Classy Raven specials 40ss 50hh 90 hour start the new year off right - 31
(Detroit, 14 mile and 75 Incalls only.)