Fri 03 Jan
** B —i—G—B—o O—T—y ** —B—aR BiE—** 1—o—O % ** —R_E —A—L *** LaSt NiTe HeRE¡!!¡ - 24
(Los Angeles, L.A.X.(and surrounding area !!!)OUT/IN)
New hot mixed mami no rules open minded specials all day military welcome - 18
(City of San Diego, missionvalley/ outcalls all oversandiego)
Katie 💕*.See what you have been MISSING!@502-648-9826 - 25
(Louisville, Near Downtown Louisville an Indiana)
:: (( ♥ ♥ LATiNA ♥ ♥ )): (( ♥ ♥100% REAL ♥ ♥ )) :(( ♥ ♥ EXOTIC ♥ ♥ )) ( ($80 SPCLS INCALL!) - 21
(Cleveland, WillOUGHBY/WillOUGHBY HillS iNCALL«--)
✨👑 Your Soon To Be Favorite 💅👣👣Sneak ✨Away💦👣 🎮Come Play🎮 ❌No Tease❌ - 20
(Cleveland, upscale hotel/ beachwood)
****** SOMETHING ***** Special ****** HAS ***** Just Arrive***** ;) 100 Specials ;) - 23
(Redondo Beach, Torrance)
((S W E E T_ * Y O U N G_* P U S S Y_*)) very J U I C Y_ (P.S.E)_ IM_* T H E_* B E S T_*Guaranteed - 21
(((24/7)) OUTCALL /COZY PRiV APT N 10Fwy)
_______ ______ oOo!!!!!oOo __ AMAZiNG LATiNA BEAUTY __ oOo!!!!!oOo ______ _______o°o $1OO_SPECIAL!! - 23
("incalls only" southbay 405/110/91)
InCalls Only 💕🌹 Qv90 30min 130🌹hr150🌹 - 19
(Los Angeles, Redondo beach,Manhattan beach,Lawndale, Westside)
Incall Special* release all ur tension before u go home with a naugthy girl - 22
(Westside, Culver city INCALL ONLY)
°°° ✄ CUT OUT THE FAKES! °° ❤ °°° # 1 TRUSTED °°° ❤ 1OOO% REAL!°°° - 23
(Los Angeles, Hollywood Incall/ OUT to YOU)
CoMe PuMp A LoaD In ThIs HoTT HorNy LaTiNa- - xXx BP FiRsT ChoIcE In EroTiC SerViCe $80 SpeCiAl xxx - 22
(Your place, Or mine. West L.A)
Best Choice!Best Services! Best Massage!3Cute Asian Girls In Town!SPecial EveryDay ! - 19
(Los Angeles, Specialprice$90/4hands/HRDTLA,KTwn)
▐❤▐ ► ❤ SUMIKO SPA ❤▐ ► ❤BEST ASIAN MASSAGE▐❤▐ ► ❤▐❤BEST STAFF▐ ► ❤▐❤ BEST SERVICE▐ ►❤ ▐❤▐ ► ❤▐ ❤▐ ► - 25
(City of San Diego, 2629 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego 92104)
💯%REAL*===The SF Bay Area's🌉Petite 5' FANTASY Filipina Vixen💋::Upscale & Highly Reviewed✅:::: ❤ - 23
(MIRA MESA In/Out*, North SD County, San Diego)
★✘SNeAk✘ ✘AWaY✘ & ✘CoME✘ ✘PlAY✘ WITH Kirah★ - 22
(Mission Valley INCALL ONLY, San Diego, South SD County)
***((( S.M.O.K.I.N.!!! H.O.T. !!! B.L.O.N.D.E.!! )))** Incall SDSU !!! OuT aLL SD - 27
100$ h/h special Fetish Friendly Fridays Ferociously Foxy Female Karmen (3.6.0) 6..7..0 - 1..2..3..1 - 24
(Medford, C.p Medford pheonix talent incall 24/7)
Fetish friendly Friday freaky Female far From forgettable !!karmen s. .(3.6.0) 6..7..0 - 1..2..3..1 - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, N Mathilda sunnyville incall or out)
===+ iF your ROSES are RIGHT your FANTASY will come true TONiTE +=== - 21
(City of San Diego, EL CAjON CiTy/ iNCALL)
Cumm Watch This NYC ITALIAN, Big Booty, Busty Blonde Spray Us As U Enter ALL Her Naughty NYC*
(miss val/sports arena/hotel cir/down twn)
(¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) 36 DD's Asian & Latina New Smokin Hottie 100 % Real Pic's(¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) - 19
(5 Freeway & Palomar Airport Rd/Carlsbad)
*WOW* HoT oNLY 20 YRS OLD! flexable ColleGe Cutie! Sweet Sexy 36D Delight *i'M so Much FUN!!avaiL24/ - 20
(mISSiOn ValLeY ** HoteL CirCle Area 1OO)
SUPER -CuTe! *ExOTiC* PlAyMaTe!* ——CraVING Your ATTEnTIoN ! CoMe PLaY*! —— - 20
__( PETITE! )—•—( HEART-STOPPiNG )—•—•—( B0MBSHELL )—•— - - Leaving Soon! - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego (Outcalls))
*¨¨*: .★. :*Legendary Skills*¨¨*: .★. :* Out Specials/Ready now - 23
Come see what your missing. Sexy seductive Ashley @5026451788 - 25
(Clarksville and surrounding areas, Louisville)
$70 INCALL SPECIAL I'm the best! BOMB HEAD&SOFTBUNZ; I'm ready now! - 25
(Louisville, Incalls most places ........75hh.150fh)
⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ SUPER ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ SEXY ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ MEET ⚪⚪⚪⚪ YOUR ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ DREAM ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ BLONDE⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ - - - 24
(Hollywood, Los Angeles, ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪West Hollywood 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😘💕😘💕💕💕😝💕😝)
Y C@ND¥ ! §upr §EXY & §O §WEET ! xCLu§iv CARAML BauTy DfinitLy A Cla§§iC!! - 19
(Los Angeles, 110 fwy/gardena and surrounding area)
»-★-» ThE »-★-» BeST » YoU » WiLL »-★-» EvER »-★-» HAvE »-★-» - 19
(Clairemont mesa blv./ off the 805)
°°HOT °JUicY_ & ReadY°to PleaSe°°★ °° AVAIL NOW! °°HOT °JUicY_ & ReadY°to PleaSe - 22
(, incalls/outcalls warwick)
SuPeR SeXy CaRmEl DeLiGhT....... ((80 Special Roses Just For You))Out Calls Only - 25
⭐⭐⭐⭐ NEVER rushed NEVER disappointed. . New to the area.. Outcalls Only 💎 Jessica💎 - 24
(Providence, Your place all over Rhode Island And Ma)
❤——— ❤ ——— ★ ——— ❤ —— N——E——W— —BIG TITYY- LUCY ❤ ——— ★ ——— ❤ ——— ❤ ❤❤——— - - - 20
(International INCALLS & OUTCALLS, Providence)
Chocolate that melts in your mouth!! Call Seduction now baby. - 21
(Cincinnati, out calls to you only)
Voluptuous Busty Beauty ~*~*~* INCALL ALL DAY - 41
(Cleveland, Super Sweet Milf - Please No Texting)
~*~ NEW ** S_E_X_Y ** B_L_U_E ** E_Y_E_D ** A_L_L ** A_M_E_R_I_C_A_N ** B_E_A_U_T_Y ** ~*~ - 27
(cleveland/ middleburg hgts/ berea)
*AVAiLABLE N0W _ _——*•:* * LUSCIOUS —— MISS*: * —— LILY*:*——*•:* * —— ReADY T0 PLaY* - 21
(Cleveland, Willoughby And Surrounding Cities)