Mon 27 Jan
-:¦: S -:¦:- U -:¦:- P -:¦:- E -:¦:- R -:¦:- S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y -MixedHOTTIE- *10O SPECiAL* - 19
Want the perfect WAY ~~ 2 ~~ START OFF ~~ FRISKY > Friday >> (Early Bird specials }
(northern denver)
*•*•*•*•*•*•*S L I M :and: P E T I T E *•*•*•*•*•*•* A V A I L A B L E *•*•*•*•*•*• S P E C I A L S - 24
(North SD County, San Diego)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ - 21
(City of San Diego, Oceanside)
V=I=S=I=T=I=N=G _______ V=I=S=I=T=I=N=G _______ ` 2 ` P E R F E C T ` 1 0 ' S - 23
______ :::S __ P __ E __ C__ I__ A __L :::___ ___ :::E__ D__ I__ T__ I __O__ N::: _______ - 21 - 21
(City of San Diego, IMPERIAL BEACH)
Roxy❤️💣🔥 Let me give you a night you won't forget💢💢🔥smoking hot 🔥 - 33
(City of San Diego, In Between Ur Sheets!)
ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹 Right🌹 ₦Ø₩ 💕 BẸẠỤŦł₣ỤŁ🌟 Brand___ NEW 💋💗Ẹ¥Ẹ✨💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 - 22
(Aurora, Denver, Upscale Aurora incall)
S _______ E ________ X ________ Y ________ G _______ I ________ R ________ L - 26
(North SD County, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ OUTCALLS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★)
REAL—— •*° H—O—T——— •*° ————— S— E—X—Y——— •*° ° ———— L A T I N A ———————— AVAILABLE - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
🍬🍰💯% R E A L‼️💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆ 🙈🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 👅💦 5⃣⭐️ - 23
(City of San Diego, ....San Diego.... In and out)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 24
(San Diego)
💯%Real* •♥•——•♥•Sweet Petite•♥• ——•♥•Blonde Asian Beach Bunny👯—— Slim Sexy💋——highly reviewed🎀 - 22
(Mira Mesa & Surrounding Areas*, North SD County, San Diego)
R 3 girls better than one? Time to find out what you're missing ~ 36 d / 34 b / 32 c ~ - 41
(North County Coastal)
Rear Companion Here For A Short Time One of A Kind Provider(60 incall special) - 21
(Hotel circle will travel)
~ ~ Upscale Brunette Relieving Tensions ~ ~And a special BABY DOLL PARADISE!!!!! - 35
(Broomfield & Vicinity, Thornton)
P£TiT£ ▓▒░ *❤.•* iRR£SiSTABL£ *•.❤* ░▒▓❤¥OUNG❤ ▓▒░ *❤.•* SW££TH£ART *•.❤* ░▒▓ - 18
(North SD County, ❤OC£ANSiD£❤)
Ur CLoTHeS WouLD L00K AmAz!nG 0N My FL00R ____ 100HR SP ____ H!GHLy SK!LLeD & ReV!eWeD !!!!! - 33
(Denver, Aurora/I225/INCALL)
__❤ [[ UPScaLE, BLONDE , BarbiE]]—— [HOT AS Fire] —— [SWEET Like Candy] —— [LeT'S PLaY!] —— ❤ - 26
(Denver, Upscale downtown hotel)
QK Special 💖 Mixed 🌸Filipino // Latina🌸Bombshell Waiting For Y💜U - 22
(City of San Diego, La Mesa 8Fwy, San Diego)
POKE ME★*= °•° MONdAY spECiAlS SEXy ,FREAK, yOUNg LAtiNA, tHAt GOod GOOd★*= °•;• - 19
Plat¡num roTiC Plasur!! EXPR!N© A££ TH!$ *M GA 48"* EbOnY BØØTY!! TH!©K TH!GHs!! - 23
(North SD County, New*Escondido*Juicy*Booty*)
petite, tight and right make me yours 2night mission valley 619)831-2596 pick me ... 200 donations.. - 30
(City of San Diego, hotel circle ,san diego california)
(( Petite Latina Hottie )) · ·♥· · (( Special's )) · ·♥· · (( 130/Half )) · ·♥· · 》LEAVING SOON! - 21
(City of San Diego, Old Town (( SAN DIEGO )) Incalls 0NLY!)
✔✔✔ *_ P_U_R_E_ _*_ P_L_E_A_S_U_R_E _*_O_N_E__*_ C_A_L_L _*_ A_W_A_Y✔✔✔ - 23
______ Petite And Cute Latina _____ Come And Get What You Deserve!!! - 18
(City of San Diego, La Mesa incall)
PARTY Girls......up All night... TWo girl special..... ONE Call Away Papi! 100% real PICS! - 23
(City of San Diego, mission valley // out all areas)
💗💕 P E T i T E 💗💕 E X O T i C 💗💕 ASiAN D O L L 💗💕 U N F O R G E T A B L E 💗💕 - 69
(City of San Diego, outcalls)
Outcalls 💜DROP Dead Georgeous👙 Blonde 👙BOMBSHELL❄💜Outcalls - 21
(City of San Diego, Mission valleyDowntownNational City, San Diego)
OUTCALLS 💗💦((BEAUtiFUL)) 💎 ((ELiTE)) 🎀 {[BLONdE]} 🎀 ((UpSCALE)) 💎 ((PLAyMAtE))💦💗 fetish friendly - 23
(City of San Diego, OUTCALLS IN SAN DIEGO)
OCEANSIDE 👅💦 〓SPECIALS 2DAY〓❤〓〓 Top Notch 〓❤〓 Perfectly Perfect 〓❤〓 - 21
(South SD County, Oceanside incall)
Oceanside ★ 12/19 New Gorgeous Lily and Susan ★ - 24
(North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad / Vista)
♀✦இ✦♂₦ottie ₦ym₱ho ✦60$8O$!2O ♀✦இ✦♂Liquid Lust✦X ® L!₱ $€®v!c€✦Magic M◯U. ₮. H✦இ✦ - 29
(Kansas City, KCMO incall - Outcall 816 335 8932)
💎NEW 💞 Upscale Seductive PlayMate💦💦1000%Real 🔥🔥 Back & Ready 2 Get Naughty! 🍒Crazy Skillz🍒 - 23
(Kansas City, Incall & Outcall 24-7)
seXվ IRiSH hOttie w/ BeDROOM eվes {thicK CuRVy THighs} (preττվ SOft LiPs) & {NiCE biG Tits}◄☰❥$99HH - 34
(Kansas City, 【PLAZA AREA】)
( 👸🐝N£W! )❄️❄️ 💯R£AL‼y👅🙊 £XTR£M£Ly SKiLL£D 🍌💦=====> 💗😈 BLoND£ BuNNy❄️❄️❄️🐰🎀 - 22 - 22
(North SD County, oceanside)
~~~ No Rush! 100% Satisfaction Guranteed! * Incalls And Outcalls* (ALL AREAS!) *** - 24
(City of San Diego, Incalls And Outcalls All Counties)
New vixen.... ask bout specials saTiFaCtiOn GuAreNtEeD - 25
(South SD County, CHULA VISTA incall outcall all sd)
❤❤🎀💕🎀 NEW PERFECT ➓ 80•♛ ❤❤💖 *iM sOOO SEXY 80💖❤❤👑 FLaWLeSs* *BoDy •♛ ❤❤ 🎀100% Real Photos ☆ - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
❄Fun. Exotic. Freaky!♥😘 ✅✅ New Location 😊 What are you waiting For ?✅💨 - 19
(Kansas City, ***Kansas city *** Noland road !)
Call and make an appointment for a relaxing massage today. Safe convenient location No hassles. Easy - 37
(St. Louis, St. Louis-South City)
BREATHTAKING ... CAPTIVATING ... You don't want to miss these DDD'S .... ready NOW - 30
(St. Louis, private in call)
☆★☆ DOnt WAIST A MOMENT Searching...★☆ Everything YOU DESIRE lies WITH ME - 20
(Kansas City, (incall) outcall upscale areas)
Hot 18yo Newbie In The Oceanside Area! You Wont Be Disappointed!! Incalls Now - 18
(North SD County, north county, oceanside, vista, base)
💟REVIEWED Exotic goddess Isis reign! 💳Booking Now! 💳Return client $pecials!💟 - 27
(St. Louis, Upscale St.L out incalls repeat clients)
***HOT & YUMMY PETITE BRUNETTE *** eXXtra small - 4'11" *** 2 Girl Special *** - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad / Encinitas)
✦ S EXY ✦ B-R-U-N-E-T-T-E * ✦ REAL ✦ PICS ✦ - 20
(St. Louis, saint louis by airport (hotel))
Release Your Load In My Face - Sexy Mahogany Young & Willing (Incalls & Outcalls) Truckers Welcome - 19
(St. Louis, St Louis & IL -)
💋💦💣Ready to have ur dreams fulfilled 💦💋 U found the right one! Outcalls n Incalls available - 20
(St. Louis, Stl areas to Illinois area)
🌹✳★P📧tℹt📧 ➜✳🌹✪★((❤e🅱ony❤) ▫★▫ 💞💋°Sexy💋🌟🎀B ε A U † i F UL BodY 🎀⭐🌸🌸·ߒ 💯ReaL🌺🌺 - - 23
(St. Louis, incall/ outcall)
Report AdBUSTY (~*♥*~) —°*°— K—N—O—C—K —°*°— O—U—T —°*°— $120 spencials - 24
(St. Louis, Downtown EARLY BIRD 120)
❦ ‿ ❦ Pretty Angel ❦ ‿ ❦ Sweet as Pie!! ☯ 1OO% PeRFeCTioN - 22
(St. Louis, St. Louis outcalls ONLY *)
*HoStInG o*%o*`SeXy CoLLeGe StUdEnT! `*o%. MuSt SeE! AsIaN TrEaT `*%o* - 21
(safe and private incall el cajon!)
__ ___ ___ Hot___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Asian___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Girl___ ___ ___ ___ - 22
(chula vista incalls outcalls)